This strenuous
hike will challenge even the most adventurous hiker. In southern Jackson County, the Little Grand
Canyon displays the most unique sandstone ravines in the state. The trail is a 4-mile loop that is great from
either direction from the parking lot.
Descending the trail at the north end, you will walk through a small
pine stand and slowly hike down the ridge to an overlook. After you round the corner, look for rue
anemone, pussytoes, false dandelion, bee-balm, and other dry woodland plants. Many rare plants exist at this site so please
stay on the trail.
Krigia biflora - False Dandelion |
The trail winds
its way to a steep sandstone ravine that will take you to the bottom of the
canyon. Rocks steps have been created in
the sandstone and are easy to follow.
Flowing water often occurs in the sandstone chute, so extreme caution
should be exercised. As you make your
way into the canyon, look for dutchman’s breeches, toothwort, pale corydalis,
squirrel corn, and spring beauty.
Trail into the Little Grand Canyon |
Some very
interesting plants grow in the natural area.
During the Illinoian glaciation over 100,000 years ago, plants adapted
to northern climates flourished here and when the glaciers retreated, these
“glacial relic” species persisted in moist, shaded, north-facing, sandstone
ravines like the Little Grand Canyon. The
characteristic example of this is bishop’s cap, and the tiny snowflake-like
flowers can be seen in flowering spikes covering the sides of the cliffs along
the creek. Other relic species include partridge
berry, shining clubmoss, and sphagnum moss.
Mitella diphylla - Bishop's Cap |
Mitchella repens - Partrige-berry |
In the floodplain
area at the base of the ravine is a rich display of spring wildflowers like liverleaf,
bellwort, white trillium, celandine poppy, bloodroot, as well as many fern
Hepatica acutiloba - Liverleaf |
Stylophorum diphyllum - Celandine Poppy and Trillum flexipes - White Trillium |
Blue cohosh, Forbe’s saxifrage,
doll’s eyes, dwarf phacelia, and wild leeks are uncommon plants that call this
area home. Flowering shrubs include
pawpaw, redbud, and flowering dogwood. At
least one orchid has been seen along the trail and venomous snakes are known to
inhabit the area.
Saxifraga forbesii - Forbe's Saxifrage and Caulophyllum thalictroides - Blue Cohosh |
Allium triccocum - Wild Leek |
The trailhead is located south of
Murphysboro. From Highway 127, follow
Orchard Hill Road west to Hickory Ridge Road.
Go straight (west) 7 miles to the entrance road to the site.
The Little Grand Canyon |